Top 9 Classic Movies For Entrepreneurs

In this list of entrepreneurship movies, I have compiled a list of classic movies made in 2006


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Strong Daughters

Dads’ Survival Guide: Parenting

Chloe and Gracie at Tapawingo Girls Camp (photo by author)

Sleepaway camp is a thing. A rite of passage. For loads of youngsters.

This year was my daughter’s first time away. She’s twelve. And went for a week. Making her Mom and Dad sleep away novices. Mentally (overpacking and over-prepping). And emotionally (wondering how she’ll survive without us). PS- they do.

Some kids go for weeks. Or months. Their parents are pros. Many of them went camping themselves. A special family tradition. For generations. Personally, I lasted a week. So homesick, I cried every night. Literally, every night. Till my parents retrieved me. Pathetic.

Our boys are as bad as me. Would never do sleepaway camp. Fortunately, my daughter is tougher. “Won’t you miss us, Chloe?” “Ahh, no. Why?” “No reason… Just checking.”

Figuring out my daughter is a mystery. A scary mystery. A dreadfully frightening, scary mystery. I’ve been petrified since she was an infant. And truth is, there’s only one thing more terrifying than fathering a daughter: fathering a teenage daughter.

Maybe I’m the only Dad feeling this way. Likely not.

Boys are a breeze for Dads. They’re low maintenance. Going with the flow. Taking things in stride. Sure, there are feelings involved. But the emotional factor doesn’t last. Boys get over things quickly. Or maybe, they’re just easy to distract. “Who wants ice cream?”

And Dads were boys once. We have insider info. Know the drill. What boys like. And don’t like it. The playbook for raising sons seems simple. Just throw them a ball. Hop on a bike. Take them fishing. Camping. Play Madden. NBA 2K. Or watch a ballgame together. Piece of cake.

Daughters are a different deal. Completely. They require a sensitive touch. Nuance. Empathy. Compassion. Hardly considered strengths of a typical Dad.

Girls are delicate. Fragile. Physically, yes. Emotionally, for sure. Words and experiences are fraught with meaning. With long-term implications. Their self-esteem is especially vulnerable. Confidence that comes and goes.

Girls get scared easier. Of bugs. The dark. Heights. They’re cautious. Less adventurous. Or maybe that’s…

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